Pass Green Gas

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Colorado River and Water Management

Water management and consumption rights are quickly becoming major political and environmental issues worldwide. The Colorado River, which is shared by several states and two countries, will undergo a series of experiments in the coming months to design ways to conserve and distribute its water more efficiently to meet the growing demands of Arizona and six other Western states. Efforts include building a small resevoir, testing an existing desalinization plant and giving subsidies to farmers to leave some farmland fallow. The states are taking positive steps in anticipation of the growing demand for water and the potential for drought. Many will point to golf courses and green lawns as wasteful consumers of H2O and though that may be the case, when water management reaches that level of legislation and impact the problem has probably already gone too far.


  • This is a good article, as well as the one prior to this one. Good for you to be informing on the global warming issues and the programs being investigated to overcome the consequences of the what we are doing to this planet.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:50 PM  

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