Oil prices drop...
Plunging gasoline and home heating oil prices will undoubtedly de-energize the pursuit for more efficient vehicles and the development of alternative energy sources, it's only human nature. The public still hankers for the days of cheap oil and an environment free of environmentalist, where kids collected toy Hess oil trucks and you could dump anything in that backyard stream. The opposite effect is well documented. The pace of the greening of America and the world may well depend on just how badly we get hurt at the pumps and how (the Karl Rove effect) frightened the public becomes about global warming. So as oil prices drop watch the slow down in Prius sales and wonder are the oil producers sophisticated enough to drop prices to manipulate public sentiment and opinion and take the wind out of the Gore, Clinton and Branson message...they just might be.
Probably true, unfortunately. I like the blog -- my first time seeing it. Am familiar with "The Alternative Consumer" though. You do good work. Keep it up!
By Anonymous, at 10:32 AM
Thanks for the kind words. Alt Con is my "alter ego's" blog.
By Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 10:54 AM
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