Raccoons Gone Wild...
Olympia, Washington: Killer raccoons target neighborhood cats. This sort of story doesn't usually interest me but this is a behavior I've never seen from the fastidious, eastern raccoons that I've encountered. You know how people love their cats...so this one could get ugly before it's over.
racoons on war path
By bikerbanjara, at 5:45 AM
They are fiesty.
By Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 5:52 AM
Hey there, would love to exchange links, and i certainly love my racoons in wood :)
By bikerbanjara, at 5:59 AM
In the wood...hmmm. I'll add your link later...heading out for a dawn patrol round of golf.
By Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 6:02 AM
Good lord.
If people would stop feeding wild animals maybe this type of thing wouldn't be as prevalent.
House cats should not be outside in the first place.
We have a group of stupid people in our area that feed the black bears in the woods. When the bears come, people gather around and watch. Maybe I'm being a stickler, but that is the way people (and animals) get hurt.
By Anonymous, at 11:12 AM
Thats what happens when you feed and water wild animals. They start changing losing the natural fear of man.
The cats are considered to be a threat to their territory. Of course this will happen.
By lilfeathers2000, at 1:17 PM
Peopel food and animials spell trouble.
By Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 2:36 PM
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