More Gas From Ted Kennedy

Being a native son of Massachusetts (I'm living in NYC now but will forever be a Bosox fan) like my former Senator, Ted Kennedy, I understand the breathtaking beauty and views provided by the "Cape" and the islands the "Vineyard" and Nantucket. Unfortunately, harsh realities have interjected themselves into the energy debate, One landmark project in the federal governents support of a move to alternative sources of energy, the Cape Wind Project, is now facing some backroom politicing from an unusual alliance of Senators, including the oldest political family in lliberal Massachusetts, represented by the Teddy K. and that hater of all things green, the evil Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska. Talk about making a deal with the devil, these forces have aligned in support of States Rights...or is it pleasing ocean views...whatever...this shortsighted marriage of self-interest and convenience will hopefully be squashed by saner heads in the House and Senate (oxymoron). Here's more from both sides from the Boston Globe.
Hopefully that great oasis of liberal and environmental thought, Massachusetts, won't be the state that kills the first major step towards creating alternative energy on a large scale.
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