Gas Prices Skyrocket

Took a drive in the Subaru this weekend and it cost me $32 to fill up at around $3.10 a gallon for regular. Now from a green (not monetary) perspective higher gas prices might help curtail the use of cars this summer and save us all some greenhouse gas, but from a consumer standpoint the gas gouge really hurts. Bush has been quoted as saying the could be a "rough summer" for drivers, no doubt getting out in front of what the Bush administration views as another negative issue for them. Some Congressional leaders are sabre rattling for a price probe into oil company profit taking, of course this will do nothing to mitigate the problem and is just cynical election year grandstanding. Where was Congress (actually they were in bed with the oil companies at the time) when big oil was allowed to do gigantic mergers that have eliminated any semblance of competition? Any move like Teddy Kennedy's to tax excess profits will be viewed as unAmerican and anti-business and will get nowhere in Congress but will serve to get Democrats some facetime on the national news.
You know what? Bush is right.
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