Pass Green Gas

Thursday, November 02, 2006


The economics of alternative energy will ulimately determine how quickly we transform from an oil engorged society into one based on conservation and planet-friendly practices.

Jatropha, a common tree in arid and semi-arid countries in the third world, may provide a source of bio-diesel fuel and economic relief for underdeveloped nations in Asia and Africa. The jatropha tree produces oil-rich nuts which can be processed into bio fuel. The tree, which originated in Latin America, grows quickly, producing seeds within four or five years and continuing to do so over its thirty to forty year life span. India has embarked on a program to replace 5% of its diesel fuel consumption within 5 years with jatropha based bio-diesel. Poor farmers and the agri-industry being subsidized to cultivate more land with jatropha trees. African countries, like Zimbabwe and Mali, are also embarking on programs involving jatropha which is drought resistant, a source of soap, fuel and fertilizer and a deterrent to crop damage because it's leaves and seeds are toxic to live stock and animals.


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