Pass Green Gas

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Do the Brits Get It?

Tony Blair is often viewed as the Bush administration lap dog, at least as far as the Iraq war is concerned. Blair took a distinctly non-Bushian view of global warming this week when the British government published a report emphasizing the growing threat. Blair not only firmly acknowledged growing potential for catastrophe, but hired the global-warming-devil himself, Al Gore, to consult on ways to mitigate the effects of the on-coming heat wave. Bloody good job!

OPEC's Secretary-General Mohammed Barkindo issued a statement on Tuesday stating that the British report "has no basis in science or economics", further evidence the Brits are onto something here.


  • The `Stern Report' commissioned by Blair has been making headlines in Australia, The headlines and the severity of our drought are making us all very aware of `Global Warming', and the possible consequences if the right decisions are not made.

    By Blogger agreenearth, at 12:01 AM  

  • Drought is a horrible tragedy. As the effects of global warming spread to industrialized countries change will happen more rapidly. Few cared when great sections of Africa became arid wastelands.

    By Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 12:06 AM  

  • That's good news.

    Seeing the huge droughts that have hit England in the last few years sobered me up a little. WOw. England looked like parts of Africa this summer.

    By Blogger Chandira, at 6:41 PM  

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