Pass Green Gas

Monday, October 30, 2006

It's a Buoy!

I'm just now looking into this technology for generating electricity from the power of waves through a system of offshore buoys. LINK

Here's the Wikipedia info on this source of alternative energy. It appears the greatest challenge is creating a device that can withstand the destructive power of the ocean while remaining affordable. Many systems for producing alternative power have great theoretical potential but, at least at present, fail to deliver economically.


  • Great looking blog you have here, really enjoyed it.

    By Blogger jpegman, at 12:00 PM  

  • of course that alternative potential must examine not only the basic viability of the energy source, but also the corresponding impacts on the environment. a number of promising alternatives have a corresponding number of issues that must be addressed to examine ALL impacts, and when this is done some of these alternatives aren't as promising or enticing. The real issue is that at some point we need to look at how we use power and focus on conservation over simply exchanging the source (although I am in no way discouraging the search and development of alternatives - simply that the options must be very closely examined)...
    by the by, love the blog, keep up the great work…..

    By Blogger alex supertramp, at 12:48 PM  

  • Thanks for stopping by. As you say many alternative energy systems look good in theory but fail on a practical level. Money has to be poured into the area to shake out the viable approaches.

    By Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 2:42 PM  

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