Pass Green Gas

Monday, November 27, 2006

Global Warming & National Security

Unfortunately, there are still plenty of global warming skeptics out there spewing their "scam science" drivel. One way to difuse some of that "oil-based economy" vitriol is to introduce the proposition that the burning of fossil fuels is a growing threat to national security. Even if some in-denial-dolt still doubts the mountains of scientific evidence piling up on the impending global warming problem, they will undoubtedly warm to the idea that we should cut our dependence on middle-eastern oil and get out of bed with the unstable, volatile countries that control it. Yes, they may spout some blather about pumping more black gold out of our reserves in wildlife sanctuaries and offshore domestic oil fields, but ultimately it will dawn on them that cutting consumption and developing new, cleaner energy technologies is more productive than investing in some new pork-barrel weapons system and/or waterboarding thousands of suspected Jihadists.


  • We went camping this weekend in our travel trailer and we went to Lake Medina. The lake was down about 10 more feet than the last time, for a total of about 35 feet. There are lakes all over Texas that have dried up. But...don't worry, its just a cycle ... not!

    Here for C&C Monday. Late again.

    By Blogger CyberCelt, at 8:43 PM  

  • my big concern is that you give these 'dolts' far too much credit... and assume that ANYTHING might suggest to them the benefits surrounding reduced consumption. these individuals will attack any mention of this as a stike at the heart of america. we are in a critical phase where alternatives are too expensive and to far fetched to be viable to those who refuse to do anything but ramp up their consumption and daily 'NEEDS'....

    By Blogger alex supertramp, at 9:32 AM  

  • It may well be wishful thinking on my part, but oil consumption and Patriotism are two mutually exclusive items. Public opinion is ultimately the only weapon against the oil cartel.

    By Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 9:48 AM  

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