Pass Green Gas

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Getting greener - a beginners guide

Let's try to get a little greener today, nothing painful, start with something simple.
Why not get a little Green Peacie and harass that neighbor illegally burning those leaves...
Actually separate those recyclables and put them in the right containers...
Plant a tree, it can be a small one...
Buy something organic, start small, like milk...
Don't sit in an idling car while you wait for the kid after soccer practice (or detention) shut that thing down...
Relax, don't mow that lawn every five minutes. Those little 2 cycle engines pollute like hell...
Use paper instead of plastic and recycle it...
Conserve a little water, take a 5 minute shower instead of that 20 minute gropefest...


  • I don't know if this helps, but we have an electric mower and don't mow every week. I like to use cloth napkins instead of paper. We have two trash cans in the kitchen, one is for recycle.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:28 PM  

  • I know it sounds trite, but every little bit helps. People just have to incorportate environmental impact into their everyday decision making process. Anything that involves even a little more effort or inconvenience will be met with some resistance. That's just the way people are wired.

    By Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 10:30 PM  

  • Seventh Generation put a thing on their boxes I loved.. If every US househodl bought one box of recycled paper tissue, that would save some ridiculous amount like 45,000 trees. Wish i could remember the exact figure, but it was a lot of trees. Small things DO add up.

    By Blogger Chandira, at 6:29 PM  

  • I have heard that paper bags are more damaging to the environment since they require so much energy to make... Is this true?

    By Blogger Dr. Fong, at 2:16 PM  

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