Pass Green Gas

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Al Gore

"An Inconvenient Truth" opens today and I'm going to check it out. Could the movie's release be the first wave of the "Gore for President" movement? We all know Gore's weaknesses as a public figure -- he's a stiff, programmed speaker, etc. But he is one of the only politicians on either side of the aisle to have a firm grasp on environmental issues (though he dropped the ball in the glare of the presidential campaign) and he's actually acting on his beliefs. Al may be relaxed and connecting with the public only because he's not running for office and his inbred political affinity for compromise and traditional political dishonesty are in his mind, not needed. We'll see. Fortunately, he puts forth a position on global warming and the environment that the American public needs to hear. So regardless of his political ambitions, I wish him well.


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