Pass Green Gas

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bush Gathers Info

George Bush doesn't plan on seeing "An Inconvenient Truth", Al Gore's global warming doc. Big surprise. Bush continues to gather global warming intelligence with the same precision in which he uncovered weapons of mass distruction dotting the Iraqui landscape. The "Decider" has decided that global warming is a non-issue. Bush has made noises about "alternative fuel sources" -- solely due to rising prices at the gas pump, and not any new-found awareness of the environmental imperitives facing the world. Unfortunately, if the oil companies and Arab oil producers wise-up and lower their artificially high prices at the pump, Americans will be once again lulled into a restful sleep in the backseats of their giant SUV's.


  • Don't you suppose that the mainstream will be converted away from oil faster by economic pressure at the pump than any movie or other advertising.

    People are basically motivated by self-interest, including those inventing green technologies. As soon as pump prices increase enough, the most economic green will be viable and people will switch.

    Bush is probably doing more to raise awareness of global warming that Al Gore's movie could ever do.. just without realizing it and prompting a war, and other not-so-nice things.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:29 PM  

  • Thanks for the comment Everyday.

    Yes the price at the pump will open people's eyes, but by framing the issue primarily in those terms the American consumer can fall victim to prolonging our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels in general. The Bush logic and approach look at forestalling real action on the issue and will allow big oil the opportunity to bargain for drilling rights in areas denied them now. Bush will ultimately fall victim to his oilman roots and his poor decisions on Iraq. His gesture to alternative fuels is just that and pales in comparison to Al Gores career-long fight against global warming. Check-out Gore's film it's actually impressive.

    By Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 4:40 PM  

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