Polar Bears Re-classified
Our appologies for our lapse in posting during the past week's holiday mayhem...
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Bush Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne recently proposed listing polar bears as a "threatened species". Could this be the Bush Administration's first tangible acknowledement of global warming? Click here
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Bush Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne recently proposed listing polar bears as a "threatened species". Could this be the Bush Administration's first tangible acknowledement of global warming? Click here
Having such watched Àn Inconvenient Truth' with relatives over Christmas the polar bear info is particularly concerning.
Let's pray for major changes in the New Year. There is still time to give the poplars bears their ice.
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM
Have you seen this:
Hope you have a safe and happy New Year weekend.
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM
Have you seen this story on pollution? It is kinda interesting the amount of trash that is washed up on an island. Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
Anonymous, at 10:45 AM
I'll check out the articles, but this dial-up connection is killing me. Happy New Year to everyone!
Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 12:16 PM
(I wish the Bushco mindset was a 'threatened species'.)
Happy New Year!
Chandira, at 9:31 PM
promising news - but interesting that this decision comes about with some built-in hurdles, namely that of a US Fish and Wildlife report (I'll point out only a single report) based upon the findings of polar bear specialist Dr. Mitch Taylor (wasn't that the kid in Real Genius? - but I digress) who pretty clearly thinks things are on the up for polar bears, "No evidence exists that suggests that both bears and the conservation systems that regulate them will not adapt and respond to the new conditions ... It is entirely appropriate to be concerned about climate change, but it is just silly to predict the demise of polar bears in 25 years based on media-assisted hysteria." - at least he acknowledges climate change concerns, and there might be a few other flaws in his analysis ...but there is also something to be said for the idea of overselling climate change to the general populace... strange days indeed, most peculiar momma...
alex supertramp, at 11:30 AM
You know the hysteria quotient is pretty high. Pat Robertson is predicting we'll all burn in hellfire come the fall (does that count as global warming?). Conversely, you know that those Fish and Wildlife managers move up when they spout the party line. Liars abound.
Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 11:37 AM
g - very true (and without question burning in eternal hell-fire obviously constitutes the ultimate inconvenient truth...) ....my concern is more that the hype could prove detrimental if say there is a cyclic cooling trend and suddenly all the naysayers have ammo to chant that party line again, or if people become so fixated on global warming they don't see the proverbial forest for the trees (assuming there are any of those left of course, hell-fire is quite pervasive...)
alex supertramp, at 12:06 PM
You're right about people lumping weather patterns and global warming into the same pile of goo. People are too fixated on current climate conditions. Global warming is a slow incidious process. Sixty degree temps in ski country is a tempory cyclical weather pattern. Hysteria cuts both ways. Thanks for stopping in.
Galli Galli Sim Sim, at 12:21 PM
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